Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Reluctant Subject

I have really enjoyed getting back into the blogging so i was surprised when suddenly it was dark outside and i realized i had not taken any photos today.

I spent the morning talking to kids about photography at the school but never took a single photograph.

While Autumn is always willing to pose for a photo and of course she did, i was more interested in my Reluctant Subject.

Here he is giving me his not so happy to pose, but if i just submit she will leave me alone quicker look.


  1. Lol...Reluctant Subject is a good sport, isn't he?

  2. ooooo, laaa laaa!!! He actually does make a great model. You lucky girl. LOL

  3. Actually I do love the lighting and how his tatoo is showing, great composition.

  4. thanks - i think he is a cutie too.
